Crafting Professional Creative Artists Through the Arts-Oriented Education Institute

Bantul’s creative ecosystem has been long supported by the existence of a growing and developing arts-oriented educational institution.

Through these education institutions, the government are capable to guide and craft creative talents into professional artists.

Professional creators are designed not to only capable in expressing their artistic intuitions into creative works. Furthermore, use their thoughts, ideas and creative hands to help develop the communities around him.

Some educational institutions that helped advance Bantul’s craft industry were the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta, Fine Arts High School (SMSR), and the ATK Polytechnic of Leather Engineering.

Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta

Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta is famous as a higher education institution that has developed many creative graduates in the fields of performing arts, fine arts and recording media.

Some names of ISI Yogyakarta’s national artists include Butet Kertaredjasa, Edhi Sunarso, Didik Nini Thowok, G.M. Sudarta, and Luluk Purwanto. They have contributed a lot to the development of Indonesian art and culture.

The Yogyakarta ISI campus is located on the Parangtritis street, Panggungharjo, District of Sewon. The forerunner to the founding of the ISI was formed by the merging of three art education namely the Indonesian College of Fine Arts (ASRI), the Indonesian Academy of Music (AMI), and the Indonesian Academy of Dance Arts (ASTI).

In 1984 the three educational institutions agreed to merge into a broader arts higher education and greater authority.

Yogyakarta’s ISI contribution to the creative ecosystem of Bantul was implemented through the Institute for Research and Devotion to the Community (LPPM) which produced various research related to the creative industry.

Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta

Politeknik Akademi Teknologi Kulit Yogyakarta is the one and only in South Eas Asia.

ATK Yogyakarta Polytechnic (dformerly the Yogyakarta Leather Technology Academy) is a college in Yogyakarta which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia.

In Southeast Asia, the Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta is the only college focused on leather science.

As the name implies, the ATK Yogyakarta Polytechnic educates professionals with the Diploma III jug consisting of three study programs.

Leather Processing Technology Study Program

The course of this study is the oldest in the ATK Yogyakarta Polytechnic. While still bearing the status of the Leather School majoring in Skin Processing Technology his name is the Department of Tannery.

Leather Product Processing Technology Study Program

This department focuses the study on designing and manufacturing products made from genuine leather (original leather).

Students are equipped with the ability to innovate and creativity in the field of processing leather products, starting from the design process (design), pattern making (pattern making), to finished goods manufacturing techniques (prototyping).

Rubber and Plastic Processing Technology Study Program

Besides leather, rubber and plastic materials are the most needed materials in the national industry. Indonesia has rubber as one of the leading natural resources and commodities.

Whereas plastics are raw materials with very broad links in industries such as the packaging plastics industry, synthetic leather industry, plastics for the purposes of the electronics industry, the automotive industry, and the household appliances industry.

Fine Arts High School (SMSR)

Sekolah Menengah Seni Rupa Yogyakarta

SMSR (Sekolah Menengah Seni Rupa) or SMK Negeri 3 Kasihan Bantul is a high school that studies Fine Arts. The majors at SMSR are divided into 7 majors ranging from the majors of Painting, Sculpture Arts, DKV, Animation, Wood Craft, Kriya Textile, and Ceramic Craft.

SMSR is a highly appreciated art oriented high school in Yogyakarta. The exhibitions held by the students annually is what makes the school is highly favorite choice for new students.