Bantul Creative Forum Shifts to Higher Gear of Collaboration After Inauguration

Bantul Creative Forum is a Cross Community Forum consisting of individuals and creative economic driving communities Bantul from a variety of backgrounds, as government partners in developing a creative economy.

In the context of Bantul Regency, this forum also became a recommendation from the FGD which was attended by the Bantul Regency stake holder in order to communicate and collaborate intensively in building creative ecosystems in Bantul Regency.

Foto BCF KEK Bersama Bupati Bantul
Bantul Creative Forum, Bantul Creative Economic Committee with Bantul Regent Mr. H. Abdul Halim Muslih is ready to collaborate to build a Creative Economic Ecosystem

The Bantul Creative Forum is a bridge that connects creative communities in Bantul, by proactively involving the government as a strategic partner in the development of its creative economic ecosystem.

The Bantul Creative Forum can produce new creative talents, including local leads, agents of change that are concretely influential.

Creative Economy Committee (abbreviated as KEK) Bantul Regency was formed to synergize hexahelix elements in the creative economic ecosystem of Bantul, consisting of governments ( mainly from OPD drivers of the creative economic sector ) and communities ( academia, professional, community ), tasked with compiling a creative economic development road map integrated with the implementation of the regional work program contained in the RPJMD and its derivative action plans, design programs and determine performance achievements according to road maps; coordinate the aspirations of all Bantul creative stakeholders and economic ecosystems.

KEK Bantul as a representative of hexahelix is directly responsible to the Regent with the duties and roles in developing synergies from regional creative economic programs.

Bantul KEK has a strategic cross-sectoral role. This role is lived within the framework of integrated plans of various programs to reduce overlapping and redundancy. This central role is a breakthrough for the efficiency and effectiveness of government work programs especially those that have an impact to creative economy.

KEK becomes a companion and evaluator work unit for achieving program qualifications from the ekraf. KEK is at the same time a strategic partner and coordinator for the A-B-C-G-M-F formation which is complementary in the direction of policy and its realization.