Budi Harjana

Budi Harjana is an activist of hand-drawn batik and stamped batik using natural and synthetic dyes. The workshop which is located in Tirto Triharjo, Pandak, Bantul produces around 300 stamped batik pieces and 10 written batik pieces every month.

Budi Harjana bersama penggemar karya batik dari manca negara

He recruited skilled workers around the production house in the hope of empowering the local community’s economy.

Her boutique, called Batik Budi Harjana, is also active in providing batik education by making batik training tour packages with natural dyes. He obtains natural dyes by cultivating natural color source plants around his house and workshops.

During his childhood, Budi Harjana was classified as a hard worker. Every morning before going to school, he diligently pedals tens of kilos of bicycles as a newspaper deliveryman to deliver newspapers to his customers.

After becoming a newspaper delivery boy, he switched professions of selling with the target of being entrusted to agents selling souvenirs typical of Yogyakarta. He succeeded in developing the market to Magelang and Solo. Another test came when the 1998 monetary crisis forced the geplak supplier they sold to go out of business.

He returned to racking his brain how to continue to try other businesses. After his introduction to one of his friends who invited him to cooperate in marketing Yogyakarta handicraft products to Bali, he saw a bright spot. It turns out that batik paintings from Yogyakarta are selling well in the Bali market.

Again the Bali bombings stopped his business this time. The market for batik paintings to Bali was not profitable, so he switched to selling batik cloth.

Budi saw that in the neighborhood where he lived, Dusun Karangjoho, Triharjo, Pandak, there were many batik makers who had not been properly managed. Most of them are only batik workers. From there sparked the intention to organize the marketing of their batik products.