Creative City

Creative City defined as cities that grow with creativity in the form of creative ideas. The parties that move together in towards the Creative City are hexahelix elements: academics, business, community, financial institutions, and the media.

The main principle of the Indonesian Creative Cities is holistic, sustainable, and uses a multi-stakeholder approach (multistakeholder). This approach is important to accommodate collaboration between stakeholders, because each region has varying readiness to collaborate.

The Creative Cities Concept developed by ICCN (Indonesia Creative Cities Network) in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy Coordinator pays attention to three things that are the spirit of Creative Cities, namely:

The Focus of Creative City

  • Focus on developing ideas and creativity;
  • Existence of creative communities (bottom-up );
  • Creative process value chain.

The spirit is then abstracted into several Creative City keywords:

  • Ideas, creativity, skills and talents ( creative people );
  • Important role of creative communities (community leadsgovernment facilitates);
  • Local potential ( human resources, culture, and economic commodities );
  • Excellence and regional identity;
  • Creation of added value, generally through the use of science and technology;
  • Sustainable, which includes environmental, social and economic aspects; and
  • Fulfillment of each stage in the creative process with networked consequences.

Creative City Criteria

The Creative Cities / Regency criteria include:

a. Creative capital (creative capital)

  1. Local creative community;
  2. Local local potential as excellence and identity of a city / district;
  3. Containers of collaboration between government, creative community, business world and academia.

b. Creative arena (creative space)

  1. Creative space that can subvert creativity and innovation ( for example:
    creative center, science/technopark, incubator ); and
  2. Public space as a center of activity and interaction for cross-creative economic actors
    ( government, business-industry, academics, and creative community / forum ).

c. (enabler) Capable
Forgeting infrastructure and information and communication technology

  1. Ecosystems that can integrate part or all of the creation, production, process,
    and market distribution. Cities that only have a portion of the value chain will
    requires a city/ district network, which forms a unity of functions;
  2. City facilities and infrastructure that can encourage creativity;
  3. Local government development programs related to creativity and