Parangkusumo Fashion Week Paved the Bantul Step Towards the World’s Creative City

In anticipation of BICRAFEST 2022, the Bantul Regency administration organized Parangkusumo Fashion Week, which included international modelers and schools. This fashion show is hosted on the Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo location, rather than in an indoor venue.

“Models from diverse locations are brought in to wear clothing produced by innovative Bantul artists. “There are numerous unique things manufactured by Bantul craftspeople in addition to fashion,” stated Abdul Halim Muslih, Regent of Bantul.

Bantul Regent Abdul Halim Muslih opens Parangkusumo Fashion Week

BICRAFEST 2022 (12 – December 14, 2022) is an international event that includes exhibitions, conferences, workshops, arts and cultural performances, and is one step toward becoming a member of the Unesco World Creative Cities Network in 2023. The success of Parangkusumo Fashion Week demonstrates the Bantul Regency government’s commitment to achieve this goal.

“We continue to prepare Bantul as a district with a creative ecology, particularly in the domain of crafts and folk arts,” Halim testified.

Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, had formally inaugurated Bantul Towards the World Creative City four days previously. Sandiaga Uno especially extended full assistance in the Bantul attempt to become a key member of UCCN on this occasion.

“It must be acknowledged that the continued growth of a creative business in the sphere of crafts and folk arts will have a substantial influence on chances to reduce social inequality,” he added.

He believes that Parangkusumo Fashion Week will serve as an example of cooperation and teamwork, earning Bantul accreditation from UCCN.

Halim believed that the success of Parangkusumo Fashion Week will extend beyond the event. Moving forward, creative arts and industry players must continue to interact in order for Bantul to be recognized as a World Creative City, which will have an influence on the welfare of the people in Bantul.