Post-Pandemic Bantul Expo’s New Face After Two Years of Suspension

After a two-year vacuum due to the pandemic, Bantul Expo is back with a new face, namely the Bantul Creative Expo. Thursday afternoon (21/07), the Regent of Bantul, Abdul Halim officially opened this annual event at the Gabusan Art and Tourism Market (PSWG).

Head of DKUKMPP Bantul, Agus Sulistiyana, explained that this year’s Bantul Creative Expo was enlivened by booths from government agencies, banking, BUMN, BUMD, private sector, as well as 280 other booths from elements of UMKM and street vendors.

Also celebrating the 191st Anniversary of Bantul Regency, the Bantul Creative Expo is planned to be held for five days, from 21 – 25 July 2022, with exhibitions and various entertainment on the arts and performance stages.

With the theme “Bantul Creative Expo Road to Bantul City of Craft and Folk Art”, making this event a forum to showcase the potential of MSMEs, especially those engaged in the creative industry to support Bantul to become a world creative city.

The Regent of Bantul, Abdul Halim Muslih, in his speech emphasized that his determination to bring Bantul to the international scene and become part of UCCN, was not just a fashion. However, in order to maximize its potential.

“By registering Bantul with UCCN, we will try to adjust Bantul’s standards to other creative cities in the world, otherwise we will not be able to adjust ourselves and increase our size,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Governor of DIY, in his written remarks read by the Head of the DIY Cooperative and UKM Service, Srie Nurkyatsiwi, hopes that the Bantul Creative Expo can become a momentum for the revival of MSMEs in Bantul to improve quality, to have superior quality, and expand networks with use of information technology.