Bantul City of Crafts & Folk Arts

Bantul is widely known as an area that has many popular tourist attractions. Say for natural tourism destinations, Bantul has a series of names such as Parangtritis, Depok, Cemara Sewu, dan Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo.

Not only its charming landscape charming, Bantul is also no less the appeal of the craft of art. Call it the Manding leather craft village, the Kasongan pottery village, or the Banyusumurup keris craft village. The name has been reviewed hundreds of times by various national mass media and individual bloggers.

The existence of sites, folk stories, or artifacts is strong evidence of Bantul people who are adept at making craft art. Bantul has a great expert who is able to create creative products as markers of the times


Creative Cities are cities that grow with creativity in the form of creative ideas and ideas. The parties that move together in realizing the Creative City are hexahelix elements namely academics, business, community, financial institutions, and the media.

What is a Creative City?

Creative Cities are supported by the completeness of institutional infrastructure and creative ecosystems which include continuous value chains of creation, production, distribution, consumption and conservation.

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Bantul Towards UNESCO Creative Cities Network Soft Launching

The Bantul Regency Government together with the Creative Economy Committee plans to bring Bantul to the world scene. Tuesday (7/06) held by Bantul Regency soft launch Towards UCCN Craft and Folk Art City, located at The Rattan Resto, Sewon

Crafts & Folk Art

Building City of Crafts and Folk Arts Ecosystem With Strategic Partnership

UNESCO Creative Cities Network is a program which recognizes and supports cities around the world who has a strong commitment to culture and creativity. The UCCN program aims to promote cultural diversity and cooperation, and encourage the use of culture as a driver of sustainable development.

Cities incorporated in the Creative Cities Network are defined in one of seven creative fields: Folk Crafts and Arts, Media Arts, Film, Design, Gastronomy, Literature, and Music

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Creative Economics Committee

Creative Economy Committee's Strategic Role Coordination Between Bantul Hexahelix Elements

The Bantul Regency Government formed a Creative Economy Committee in the hope that creative economic actors could collaborate in developing their efforts. This committee is tasked with uniting and aligning the potentials in the Pillows so that they can cooperate with each other.

The confirmed members of the Creative Economy Committee come from various representatives of the creative industry elements in Bantul. These include batik business owners, communities, academics, media, financial institutions, government, and other economic elements.

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Bantul Creative Forum

Bantul Creative Forum Shifts to Higher Gear of Collaboration After Inauguration

Bantul Creative Forum is a Cross Community Forum consisting of individuals and creative economic driving communities Bantul from various backgrounds. BCF is present as a government partner in developing a creative economy.

The Bantul Creative Forum bridges the creative communities in Bantul, by proactively involving the government as a strategic partner in the development of its creative economic ecosystem.

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Bantul City of Crafts and Folk Art


Bantul Profile Book


Bantul Brand Book


Bantul City Branding Logo


Sticker Designs
